Roll Around Seatown


The recent days of sunshine have us feeling giddy for spring. As we head towards days with later sunsets and cherry blossoms, here’s what has us excited this month…

Couleurs Sans Danger opening March 8th at the Prairie Underground Gallery, a celebration of color and a collection of some of our favorite artists (and field trip leaders!). Not to miss!!!

Sunny skies mean roller skating at Judkins Park with Roll Around Seatown! Watch their instagram for updates, whether you’re skating or people watching, it’s always a good time.

Daffodils in the Skagit Valley - beat the tulip crowds and marvel at the endless golden fields, don’t forget your binoculars for birding, and be sure to stop in Edison for lunch at Slough Food or Tweets — the perfect day trip!

In this age of activism and resistance, we can’t wait to see the new Ai Wei Wei exhibit at the Seattle Art Museum opening March 12th, his largest US exhibition to date!

Speaking of SAM, their SAM Body & Mind programming is top notch, treat yourself March 15th to a day at the Sculpture Park with Dance Church, mindful art activities and a sound bath with Biom.

Tilth’s March Edible Plant sale March 15th at the Rainier Beach Urban Farm & Wetlands - get a jumpstart on summer gardening with spring greens, herbs and more!

St. Patrick’s Day March 17th, grab a Guiness and corned beef at the Old Pequliar and dance the night away with the Paperboys at the Tractor Tavern.

Razor clamming on the coast — day time low tides are back, get those clam shovels and get after the elusive razor clam! Don’t want to dig but still get in on the fun? Get your chowder on at the Razor Clam festival March 21 -23 at Ocean Shores!

See you at the ballpark for the Mariners’ Opening Day March 27th, let’s go M’s!